The aim of the project is to create the first child protection center in Nili that will provide educational facilities for 100 street and the most vulnerable children and vocational training for 60 parentless or children with a single parent and the most vulnerable children.
The project will provide education (school curriculum, English and Languages). For older children vocational training such as Mobile repair and vehicles repairs such as motorbike, bicycle, cars, and Office packages to work in government offices in Nili will be offered, facilities for healthcare, psychosocial counseling, physical education opportunities will be arranged.The project ultimately aims to restore hopes, self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-concept in children and will remain a source of support for child protection and advocacy in order to enable the children to claim their rights and to enjoy their rights and to find a suitable job in order to support himself as well as his family. According to findings of the Labor Department, about 176 children at risk have been identified around Nili city. Besides the educational and vocational trainings, the child protection center will work on the capacity building of the school principals and teachers, conducting trainings for Mullahs and Parents, Sensitization and awareness rising on child protection, child marriage, child labor, and child rights in Nili city.
The direct beneficiaries of the project will be:
Therefore, the direct beneficiaries will be 480 and the indirect beneficiaries will 5000 people.